Can you Lose Your Gun Over a Protective Order?
Video Transcript: Say goodbye to your gun rights if you’ve got a protective order against you in Oklahoma. Hi, I’m attorney James Wirth. I’m going to talk about how protective orders affect your Second Amendment rights.
So if someone files a protective order against you, they can get before the judge at an ex parte hearing, meaning that they give their side, but if they alleged that it’s an emergency, the judge will make an a ruling on the emergency before they hear your side of it.
And if that protective order is granted, your Second Amendment rights are gone at that moment that that protective order is served upon you. The sheriff will probably take those guns out of your household, or you’ll have to give those to a third party because it will be illegal for you to possess them while the protective order is in place, and that’s under federal law.
So if that’s something that you are concerned about, Second Amendment rights, then you’re going to want to have representation for that. You’re going to want to fight that at the show cause hearing, at the full hearing, in order to get those rights re-established, because the moment the protective orders filed and served on you ex parte, you lose your Second Amendment rights.
But don’t take my word for it about this general information, get specific information related to your circumstances. Talk to a Tulsa criminal attorney. You can talk to me. Give me a call, 918-932-2800 or go online