These Stand for Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage
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What is UM and UIM coverage? Hey everyone, Christopher Stevens here certified paralegal with the Wirth Law Office in Tulsa, Oklahoma, specializing in personal injury in Oklahoma. Today we’re going to be talking about UM and UIM coverage.
Now, these stand for Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage. So, what these do is they help bridge the gap between the person’s ability to pay for the damages they caused, and what your actual damages are.
So in Oklahoma, we, unfortunately, have a major problem with people not carrying enough insurance or insurance at all. And what this coverage will do is, say the person has no coverage at all, but you have UM/UIM coverage. What your insurance will do will kick in and help pay for the damages that were caused.
Now, this can also be the case if the person, say had a state minimum policy of 25/50, and you say have damages that far exceed that. I’ve seen that happen quite a bit, where a person will get severely injured, maybe even have to have surgery, and the other person’s policy is just inadequate to pay for it. And thankfully, they’ve had UM/UIM coverage that was able to step in and help bridge that gap.
Now, if you think this is the coverage you might need, feel free to reach out to your insurance agent. And, if you were the victim of a car wreck, feel free to reach out to us. As always, if you find yourself looking for a personal injury attorney in Oklahoma in which you need to seek legal help concerning your accident, feel free to contact a Tulsa Personal Injury Attorney. We can be found at