A Tulsa divorce attorney advises parents anticipating a no fault divorce to be prepared to attend parenting classes now required under a new Oklahoma law.
Tulsa divorce attorney
James M. Wirth, Esq.
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
It has been five years since the Oklahoma DHS concluded the legislature accidentally passed a law that penalizes parents for parenting. DHS’ illogical interpretation of parenting time adjustments does not encourage troubled parents to work out reasonable solutions. If DHS refuses to read the law as intended, lawmakers need to clarify their intent.
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
Part 2: An Exercise in Bureaucratic Nonsense UPDATE: In April 2015, an Oklahoma judge found that DHS had overstated interest on back child support obligations of some non-custodial parents. Learn how DHS calculated interest why some parents could get refunds for interest on back child support here. UPDATE: In May, 2015, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin […]
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
An Oklahoma Dept. of Human Services child support form penalizes certain parents for parenting by applying an increase when no adjustment is indicated. A Tulsa child support lawyer says the practice is illogical and legislators should step in if the DHS refuses to interpreted the law as they intended it to be read.
A father explains how he personally benefited from the help of a Wirth Law Office Tulsa child custody lawyer in his family law case.
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
As of July 18, 2014, federal courts have made it clear: Oklahoma’s prohibition on gay marriage is unconstitutional. The 10th Circuit Court affirmed a lower court’s decision that cited a 2013 U.S. Supreme Court case, U. S. v. Windsor (2013), as the basis for striking Oklahoma’s ban on same-sex marriage. The decision was only a […]
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
Oklahoma Child Custody Can Now Be Delegated Without a Court Order A new Oklahoma law adopted in 2014 now allows parents to sign voluntary agreements that transfer custody of a child to another person. The non-judicial delegation of parental custody by power of attorney can last as little as 24 hours or as long as […]
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
An Oklahoma bill that could make divorce lawyers wealthy and force some children to remain in homes where one parent wants to leave inched forward Feb. 20, 2014, when the Government Modernization Committee voted 5-3 in favor of the measure. House Bill 1548 would prohibit no-fault divorce in cases where either party objects to a […]
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
Tulsa law firms are fielding a growing number of questions about same-sex divorce after federal courts struck down Oklahoma lawmakers attempts to ban same sex marriage.
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
Abraham Lincoln had it right when he stated, “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” Maybe the term “fool” is a bit harsh, but pro se litigants (representing themselves) almost always lack an understanding of court procedure and generally lack an understanding of the law, which can have devastating consequences in their […]
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
How to Determine Oklahoma Child Support Payment Unlike alimony and other decisions made by Oklahoma judges, parties can generally have a pretty good idea what the judge is going to order for child support. This is because there is a statutory presumption to go by the Oklahoma Child Support Guidelines. Only rarely will an Oklahoma […]