Cash Medical Is an Order to Be Paid Towards Health Insurance
Video Transcribed: What are cash medical under Oklahoma child support guidelines? I’m Tulsa Lawyer James Wirth. That’s the question we have what is cash medical? It’s part of a series that we’re doing related to the Oklahoma child support guidelines and child support generally in Oklahoma. And like many of the other issues, this is something that is defined by statute. So you can find it in the Oklahoma law books.
It’s Title 43 Section 118(f) Subsection A2, and it says, “Cash medical means an amount order to be paid toward the cost of health insurance coverage provided by a public entity, parent, or by a person other than the parents, or fixed periodic payments for ongoing medical costs.”
So essentially, normally the obligor, the person that is responsible for paying child support, is ordered to provide health insurance for the minor child or pay a pro-rata share of the cost of a health insurance premium.
However, if that is not being provided or the kid is on Soonercare here and receiving government assistance, then instead of paying that pro-rata share until health insurance could be obtained, the parent can be ordered to pay cash medical.
And that’s just an amount that is paid to reimburse DHS for Soonercare costs or to set aside for the benefit of the child in medical costs in the future. But it’s going to be added to your child support obligation. And that’s what cash medical is. If you need to speak to a Tulsa family law attorney or a Tulsa Child Support Collection Attorney please visit