Make Sure Your Insurance Was in Effect When Ticketed
Video Transcribed: How do you get your no-insurance ticket dismissed without cost in Tulsa Municipal Court? I’m Oklahoma lawyer James Wirth.
We’re doing a series related to Tulsa Municipal Court, and this one deals with how you get your ticket for no insurance dismissed before the court with no court costs under the right circumstances, and it’s actually part of the court rules.
If you had insurance in place at the time of the traffic stop, you just hadn’t had proof of it, then you need to get proof of that insurance to the records department prior to your first court date. And based on court rules, if you get proof that that insurance was in effect at the time of the traffic stop before your first court date, then you are entitled to get that ticket dismissed with no court cost paid.
If you can’t meet that deadline, then still show up to court with proof of that insurance and you can talk to the court about dismissing at that time. But the court prefers that you have that done ahead of time, by providing proof to the records department so it doesn’t even show up on that court’s docket.
So the question is, how do you get your ticket for no insurance dismissed in Tulsa Municipal Court if you had insurance in place at the time? You get proof of that insurance to the records division ahead of your first court date.
But don’t just take this general information, if you’re facing a traffic citation or a misdemeanor charge in Tulsa Municipal Court, you’re going to want competent legal representation. You’re going to want legal advice from an attorney after a consult that talks about your specific circumstances. To get that scheduled with a Tulsa traffic ticket attorney at my office, you can go to